


Angel of June- "Archangel Muriel "
Element: Water
Overseeing: Cancer


Hi everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read this month's guidance messages.


This month, we are working with the beautiful energy of 'Muriel'.


Muriel works with the energies of reflection,healing,protection, new cycles and also working with Archangel Michael, to give you confidence and protection of all things.


Muriel is wonderful at helping us to see old patterns and behaviors and how they are repeating in our lives.

When we wish for something new to begin, it is wise to bring in the caring energy of Muriel, who can assist us with this time of growth, and allow us to be compassionate with ourselves, as we move forward.


We may have been going through a time of release and sometimes this can be painful, but as we continue with our positive thinking, we can manifest a new and wonderful future,as long as we don't hold onto what we feel are 'mistakes' from the past.


Muriel can help to clear negative energies and assist us with healing within.

She often works alongside Archangel Michael, and the healing band of mercy, to start to refresh and heal us from the inside out.


A very loving and encouraging angel, especially good for those with children who may be having nightmares.(Or even adults for that matter)


Allow the darkness and dark energy to release and renew yourself as a soul.

Sometimes we have a lot of hidden negative energy, that Muriel can help you to release, as well as open up your intuition more completely, so you can follow through on your inner feelings straight away.


Watch the video of the month here:



Crystals include: Moonstone,Aventurine, Amber, Emerald, Rose Quartz and Clear quartz.


Essential Oils include:Lavender, rose, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot and Lemon


Incense: Lavender, Rose and Nag Champa.



He/She also brings the "Water" energy of the elements, and you can read more about it here :


For each month of the year, there is an 'overseeing' Angel or a group of them.


There is also an "overseeing" Angel, for each element.


Earth's overseeing Angel is "Uriel"

Air's Overseeing Angel is "Raphael"

Water's Overseeing Angel is "Gabriel"

Fire's Overseeing Angel is "Michael"

On with the key points for this month!



Key Points for June 2015:


1: Reflection:


2: Healing:


3: Protection:


4: New Cycles:


5: Hidden Emotions:


6: Taking Risks:


7: Love:


8: Crossroads:




Message from 'Muriel':

"Dear ones,

Love and light to all of you!


I am with you now and always as you wish. You are all so gifted and yet you do no often open up to all that you can be in your life.

I am with you with the power of many thousands of angels, to assist you to clear old energy patterns and ancient karma, as well as help you to renew yourself and change the way in which you think, in order to change the experiences that you have.


Never underestimate the power that you have over anything that may be negative in nature. We Angels understand that it is sometimes difficult to navigate through the darkness at times, so we offer our loving assistance and grace.


Don't forget to ask with 'expectation' of what you have asked for. There is no point asking when you don't really believe it can be possible. But if you allow yourself unlimited support and possibilities, miracles really do begin to happen.


It may not always be how you expect, that things will happen for you.

Always ask for things to change for your 'highest good' as this will bring your soul into alignment.


Many blessings to you all on your journey!

Love always,

Archangel Muriel"


*** You can read more about attunements, with my FREE Book.

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Readings attunements and more here:













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