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By BDevine®

In this Article , I have Channeled direct messages from Archangel Sammael.

He is a beautiful red/midnight blue colour and is known as The Archangel Of Integrity.

He is very good at helping with overcoming obstacles.

He is sometimes known as the Archangel Of Truth.
He gives you confidence and helps you know the rules and overcome large problems hindering your path.

Any kind of Red stone is useful when working with Sammael-Red jasper, Red Agate,Garnet, Ruby

I will be updating this page with new messages regularly for everyone.








Dearest Ones,

It is I Sammael,the one who teaches you all the rules! I help everyone too overcome large obstacles in their life and I offer peace and protection for your home.

I encourage you to try new things and not follow what everyone expects of you. I will encourage you to face your fears and live for truth!

Also I stand up for what you believe in wholeheartedly. It is never wrong too ask for help and we Angels watch you struggle through life and wait too hear your call!

You are always welcome too ask for assistance as you need it! All we ask in return is a 'Thank you" from you.

Never doubt yourself or your abilities in life.You CAN Be anything you like!

Reach out and share yourself with the world as this brings a smile too heaven.

Blessings To All!


© 2012 onward


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