


Angel of July- "Archangel Verchiel "

Overseeing-Star Sign Leo


Chakra-Solar Plexus/Crown



Hi everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read this month's guidance messages.


This month, we are working with the beautiful energy of 'Verchiel' the Angel who is known as the "bringer of surprise"


Now more than any other year that these messages have been written, it is time to completely let go of judgment and control, and embrace unity and freedom.


We are each going through such intensity of energies, and the darkness wants us to become divided amongst ourselves. The truth is coming out in the most usual and unusual places-judgment, bias, fear mongering, and getting false news everywhere, and instead of love, there is more hate than I have ever witnessed here..


The Angels are closer than ever. This has been happening for quite some time, in order to prepare us, and help us "hold the light" and if you check July 2019 that is exactly the message!


We are each here to express light and love, in every way, not tear each other down-this was the way of it for too many years-we are asked not to give into the temptation to lower your standards and battle it out.


The Angel Verchiel, the bringer of surprise, also works with our own surprise transformation of light. Our true selves are beginning to shine for all to see on the surface. Some things are surprising, some things are what we expect, and some people are not what we thought. All of this is overwhelming, again, hold your OWN truth and light, and use your own gifts, to shift the collective energy onto the positive.


The light has already won. Because of this, the darkness does not like it one bit, and will do everything in it's power to distract us, and stop us. From fighting with one an other over a post on social media, to more and more fear over this "virus" infection energy.


AS spiritual beings, make sure that you have protection, and that you are empowering yourself with light and nature. Verchiel is a very healing Angel, asking you to look within, and you will know your truth.

We don't have to agree, we just have to work together for freedom.


Soon, we will see things begin to shift, as deeper issues are revealed for the world to see.


Call on your Angels to strengthen and support you, as you move forward.

Treat yourself, how you feel others deserve, and accept yourself as a warrior of light in every aspect of the word.


Together we change the globe! It's actually already happening!

We came here to be a part of the greatest awakening of mankind.


Let there be love and let there be light!

*If any of you want assistance to retrace and heal, or mentoring to become a warrior of your own life, in every way, please read more here:*

A new force is with you now. You are not the same person as you where yesterday, and you are continuing to grow on every level. You don't have to be perfect, you just have to work at being your own personal best.

True happiness, always leads to success, this is why it is so important to watch who drains your energy, or who is always negative around you.

If you can't forgive something or someone, allow the creator energy to take over. This relieves the burden and allows you to move on.

Spiritual warriors of all kinds are uniting now. We are done with the same old same old. It is time for us all, to reach even greater potentials, and manifest at higher levels than ever before.


Ask Verchiel for assistance, and believe the energy is always working for your highest good!

Watch the video of the month here:



Crystals include: Ruby, Clear Quartz, Citrine, Yellow Jade, Peridot.

Essential Oils include:Ylang Ylang, Rose, Neroli,Orange.


Incense: Fruits



He/She also brings the "Fire" energy of the elements, and you can read more about it here :


For each month of the year, there is an 'overseeing' Angel or a group of them.


There is also an "overseeing" Angel, for each element.


Earth's overseeing Angel is "Uriel"

Air's Overseeing Angel is "Raphael"

Water's Overseeing Angel is "Gabriel"

Fire's Overseeing Angel is "Michael"

On with the key points for this month!



Key Points for July 2020:


1:Intensified attunements:


2:Protection/Home & Personal:


3:Fast Action:




5:New Relationships:










Message from 'Verchiel':



I am one of the Angels of change, surprise and joy, working with the Earth and all of it's inhabitants, to bring new light, and healing codes onto the planet.
It is truly time, for the advancement of all of you, as souls, so that you can reclaim, and hold your true inner light, and divine guidance.
Each of you have the power as creators, to change your whole life and existence, into the new, and now it is time for this to be seen by you.

Use the knowledge, and assistance, that we are sending to you-by way of people, energies, new opportunities, waves of abundance and joy, which will help you all to manifest.

There are those who are still trying to figure everything out. We applaud all of you for where you are on your journey. It is time for new developments, and change, and an increase in protection, as you move up and up into the new existence, you are now creating.

Dwell not, on negativity-just allow us to clear this out of your awareness, long before it has a chance to affect you.

Work with people who will be guided by Angels to help you in the best way, to release everything that is trapped within you. Trust is always key.

Have trust and faith that everything is working in your favor, and forget anything lower that this. Allow this to be your vibration, and anything false, will have no choice but to fall away.


Now is your true time to shine!!

With love and powerful assistance,

Archangel Verchiel"

Take your power back with new Dragon Energy Healing, Shamanic Healing, Deep Mentoring, Soul Star Healing, or a personal in depth reading!


*** You can read more about attunements, with my FREE Book.

Click Here


Readings attunements and more here:













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