


Angel of June- "Archangel Muriel "
Element: Water
Overseeing: Cancer

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This month, we are working with the protective energy of
"Archangel Muriel".

She works alongside the protective and shielding energy of the mighty
"Archangel Michael" and brings peaceful resolutions, as well as deep protection for the home, and all of the occupants, including protection for animals.

Muriel works with the energy of Archangel Michael, and the legions of Angels, who assist with the protection, and peaceful forward movement of humanity.
We are each in a new phase of change and healing, and the deeper levels of healing, will need to be cleared, as we move forward into a higher vibration on the earth.

For the first time in history, we have been a part of a huge lock down, and division between the people.

The division has been sent by the darkness, as a way of maintaining some kind of control-and hitting minorities and those who have already suffered in history, because of their losing power. The darkness knows, there is power in the people, and in this case, the people working together.

The Angels, especially Muriel and of course, the mighty Archangel Michael, work to support the light in all of us.

It is tempting to "fall into the crowd" so to speak, however, the Angels encourage individuality, and at the same time, coming together with love and light. No agendas, no violence, no racism. This darker energy only exists because people have reached a point of desperation in their lives. It's time for a true test of our faith-this is it!

We will soon, very soon in fact, move into the next phase, as the light is already and will always win.


Muriel is very wise and protective Angel. She assists you as you move into a more protective state, and opening your awareness, and your spiritual mysticism.

The energy of healing, and light codes, are flowing through you now. There have been several 'upgrades" this year alone.

It will be important, that you understand your own inner power, and light, as you move forward.

We must now allow yourself to lower our standards. We must visualize, that which we wish to see. As already happening!

Muriel also works with us on improving our finances, and moving into new cycles.


She is also instrumental, in assisting our healing processes. You can open up more to healing with the Angels, and this will assist you greatly!


You may also like to listen to a special LIVE youtube, channeling, from the Divine. Very interesting information for us all!





Crystals include: Moonstone, Pearl, Amethyst and Clear quartz.


Essential Oils include:Lavender, rose, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot and Lemon


Incense: Lavender, Rose and Nag Champa.



He/She also brings the "Water" energy of the elements, and you can read more about it here :


For each month of the year, there is an 'overseeing' Angel or a group of them.


There is also an "overseeing" Angel, for each element.


Earth's overseeing Angel is "Uriel"

Air's Overseeing Angel is "Raphael"

Water's Overseeing Angel is "Gabriel"

Fire's Overseeing Angel is "Michael"

On with the key points for this month!



Key Points for June 2020:


1: Reflection:


2: Healing:


3: Protection:


4: New Cycles:


5: Hidden Emotions:


6: Taking Risks:


7: Love:


8: Crossroads:




Message from 'Muriel':

"The deepest love for you all!

You are all here as beings of light! You must understand your sovereignty!

As sovereign beings, all of you, you have the power to create that which you speak.

It will be more important now, more than ever, for you to adjust your vibration for the highest, and most good of all.

It is time for you to begin to move more in a unique way for you.

Remember to ask for and hold expectation, of the best occurring for you, now and always.

As you lift your vibration into this new path, it will begin to unfold for you, beautiful abundant energy, new opportunities, love and peace. Just make the choice to honor your sovereignty. Now and always.

You deserve peace and a brand new life. Allow this to come into fruition in your life!

With love,

Archangel Muriel"


*** You can read more about attunements, with my FREE Book.

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Readings attunements and more here:













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