



Angel of April- "Archangel Asmodel "
Known as " What is of worth "





Hi everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read this month's guidance messages.


This month, we are working with the beautiful energy of 'Asmodel' the Angel who is known as "What is of worth "


Asmodel works with you on the energies of love, creation, harmony and seeing the beauty within yourself.


It is so important that we are learning to discover the patterns of our lives as a soul here now on Earth. Certain patterns are leaving us as our intentions strive for greater things in our lives.


You may begin to recognize some of the negative patterning that has been ruling you, and with Asmodel's help, you can begin to lovingly release this from your heart and mind.


Whilst things are a challenge as you move through the seasons of your life, and although we always seem to be doing some sort of healing, it is all necessary for the highest good of us, to reach the point where we feel the bliss within our hearts, and struggles fade away as we develop ways to master them before they become a problem for us.


Asmodel is one of the Angels of beauty and love for the self and reflecting this into our every days lives so that we are always receiving the best for ourselves.


This is a time of reflection and finding the pathways to inner peace, and while doing so, we are freeing ourselves from a past we may not have realized had been ruling our lives in destructive and sabotaging ways.


Make it a point to be good to yourselves this month. No more negative talk about who you are and whatever else you come up with the judge yourself. Open up and allow the Angels to love you and to teach you how to love yourself without conditions.


Watch the video of the month here:



Crystals include: Sapphire,Azurite,Emerald,Rose quartz & Clear quartz.


Essential Oils include:Eucalyptus,Camomile,Neroli,Jasmine & Cypress.


Incense: Lavender



He/She also brings the "Earth" energy of the elements, and you can read more about it here :


For each month of the year, there is an 'overseeing' Angel or a group of them.


There is also an "overseeing" Angel, for each element.


Earth's overseeing Angel is "Uriel"

Air's Overseeing Angel is "Raphael"

Water's Overseeing Angel is "Gabriel"

Fire's Overseeing Angel is "Michael"

On with the key points for this month!



Key Points for April 2017:


1: Beauty in all it's forms:


2: Self belief:


3:New Directions:




5: New Relationships:


6:Artistic Creation:


7:Fast Action:


8:Soul Alignment:


9: Harmony:


10: Life review/contemplation:




Message from 'Asmodel':


"Dear ones


Thank you all for continuing your journey to the best of yourself.

It can be a difficult journey because you are discovering so many pieces of yourself that will bring you into a new path whilst you clear and cleanse the old.


You may not even realize how much your thoughts of yourself have dishonored you, and now you are being asked to review and clear and through your lifetime, you will need to do as sometimes the old ways come up to haunt you.


Be careful of negative tendencies those who are not matching your new vibration, because this effects your flow more than you realize.

The more honest you are with yourself, the more you will see what is right for you and what needs to be released with love.


The healing you are all undergoing is sometimes difficult to understand, and conflicting feelings can go through your mind as this occurs. Recognize healing in it's various forms and be gentle with yourself in the process.


See yourself in the highest light, and don't settle for less than what you deserve.

Love yourself, for you are worth it!

Bright blessings,

Archangel Asmodel"


*** You can read more about attunements, with my FREE Book.

Click Here


Readings attunements and more here:













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