




Angel of JULY -"Verchiel"



Hi everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read this month's guidance messages.


This month, we are working with the beautiful energy of 'Verchiel' the Angel who brings surprises, healing, change, happiness and peace into our lives.





Crystals include: Ruby, Onyx, Danburite, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Ruby and any yellow colored stone.


He/She also brings the "Fire" energy of the Salamanders, and you can read more about Salamanders here:

If you would like to watch the guidance video, for the month, please click here.


Don't forget to find me on facebook! CLICK HERE


As always, we shall also look at the different elements, and a message for each:

Earth, Air ,Fire & Water.


There is also an "overseeing" Angel, for each element, and they also give a short message for the month.


Earth's overseeing Angel is "Uriel"

Air's Overseeing Angel is "Raphael"

Water's Overseeing Angel is "Gabriel"

Fire's Overseeing Angel is "Michael"

On with the key points for this month!



Key Points for July:


1: Recognition will come in interesting ways, and perhaps not what you would expect. You are going to have extra attention toward you this month, which helps you more than you think.


2: Happiness and end of cycles come in the month of July. We have been releasing for some time now, and you will begin to see the results of your efforts.


3: Ignition of passions, and life path will be a blessing.


4: Affection for yourself and affection toward others and others toward you, will elevate you and lift your spirits.

5: Clair audience will expand and open. This allows you to more clearly hear and sense the spiritual realms!


6: Some of you may receive strange but profound dreams once again, as you open up and connect. Be prepared for changes in yourself this month, as a result of the emotions opening and releasing for you.



Message for the Elements:


FIRE SIGNS: Leo, Aries & Sagittarius

Overseen by Archangel Michael

Colour Of Healing: Green /Heart chakra.

Archangel Michael's Message: "Open your mind to new information "

Lucky Number: 6


There are always choices to be made, and this month, will bring forward a situation or decision you have been putting off. It is now time to be open to ALL information coming your way, in various forms. Know, that you have the ability to stand behind your beliefs! Try not to be swayed into something that is not right for you-trust your first thoughts always.


WATER SIGNS : Cancer,Scorpio,Pisces

Overseen by Archangel Gabriel:

Colour of healing: Blue /Throat chakra

Archangel Gabriel's Message: "be vigilant, firm and loving "

Lucky Number: 7


Don't give up now-you have already come further than you think! Wishes and long held plans are falling into place, so allow this to truly unfold. If there are issues coming into your life, try to take a loving (not forceful) approach. Stand firm in your decisions and beliefs.


AIR SIGNS : Libra,Aquarius,Gemini

Overseen by Archangel Raphael:

Colour of healing: Red / Base chakra,

Archangel Raphael's Message: "You are moving to the next phase "

Lucky number: 1


Now is a time of intensity and change. This is happening very quickly and opens your awareness greatly. You must remember to be prepared for the life you want and let go of things that have held you back. You CAN gave the life you want and it is vital you don't fight the changes coming to benefit you.



EARTH SIGNS: Virgo, Capricorn,Taurus

Overseen by Archangel Uriel

Colour of healing: Purple /Third eye chakra.

Archangel Uriel's message: "Activate action! "

Lucky Number: 3

Worry and stress have not helped you to feel at peace. The more you think on a subject, the more you feel stressed. This cycle is making it hard for you to see all the opportunity and freedom that exists for you. Worry only creates more worry, not solutions. Give yourself a chance to put your ideas into action and activating the law of attraction with positive results, that spur you on.



Message from Verchiel:

"Dear ones of great light,


We thank you all for your continuous efforts and support of the Universe, as well as all other realms, seen and unseen.


You may not realize the depths of your impact but let us say, that your healing efforts have a ripple effect, that expands through time and space in all directions!
it is true, you each hold a very important role on the planet and beyond.


Soon, each of you will have your own experience, of just how important & valued you are!

Show yourself some love and appreciation for how far you have come! We Angels love to help and guide you to realize your path and goals.


Please remember we can not "DO" things for you or hold you back in any way, from your own growth and path. We can only work with your energy, and help you to understand your true path and who you are as a soul.

We love and honor each of you without conditions, and we thank and bless you for your love and commitment to your planet and each other.


Enjoy the shifts in vibration and changes on many levels this month. Expect the unexpected and the best for yourself!

Listen to your heart, and trust your intuition always, as you move forward, with love and grace!


Brightest blessings,



*** You can read more about attunements, with my FREE Book.

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