

Angel of MAY -"Ambriel"
"Prince Of Thrones"



Hi everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read this month's guidance messages.


This month, we are working with the beautiful energy of 'Ambriel' the Angel who brings protection, clarity, inspiration, change, direction & new skills.


Ambriel is also cited in the 6th & 7th book of Moses, and is invoked under the 7th seal, of the planet Mars. In early traditions, his name was inscribed on a 'Kamea' (Magic Square)that was used to ward off evil-hence he has very powerful protection energies. The letters of his name where converted to numbers, which created the energy of protection and magic.


Ambriel's colour's are light yellow. He is said to resemble the colour's of morning sunrise.


Crystals include: Citrine, Peridot, Tigers Eye, Agate, Quartz & Black Tourmaline.


He also brings the "Air" energy of the Sylphs, and you can read more about Sylphs here:

If you would like to watch the guidance video, for the month, please click here.


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As always, we shall also look at the different elements, and a message for each:

Earth, Air ,Fire & Water.


There is also an "overseeing" Angel, for each element, and they also give a short message for the month.


Earth's overseeing Angel is "Uriel"

Air's Overseeing Angel is "Raphael"

Water's Overseeing Angel is "Gabriel"

Fire's Overseeing Angel is "Michael"

On with the key points for this month!


Key Points for May:


1: Clarity and clear communication abound. Working on your chakras, especially the throat Chakra, will be wonderful for you.


2: Insight to what is needed most in your life, and which direction to take, will also prevail.


3: Some of you will travel, or will have travelers to meet! It is an interesting time of journey, with not as many 'lessons' but more interesting twists and turns.


4: Awareness of yourself, and what you truly desire to do, also becomes much clearer as you trust yourself.

5: Protection is also offered with the energy of Ambriel, who asks you to remember to cover yourself in white light morning and evening. You may also like to ask for his protection before entering dream state, which will result in unusual and interesting dreams and memories.



Message for the Elements:


FIRE SIGNS: Leo, Aries & Sagittarius

Overseen by Archangel Michael

Colour Of Healing: Gold

Archangel Michael's Message: "Take time to rest "

Lucky Number: 7


This month, a lot will be occurring within you as well as around you. It will be easy to become distracted from your own goals. Take time every day for yourself to do only what you want-or else you may become resentful of demands on your time. Friends and family will travel to see you, or you to them. You will notice that you ALL have changed.


WATER SIGNS : Cancer,Scorpio,Pisces

Overseen by Archangel Gabriel:

Colour of healing: Pink

Archangel Gabriel's Message: "Open your heart to love "

Lucky Number: 4


This month, you need to be aware of old thought patterns, that do not serve you.
If you can let go and open up, you will receive the rewards you are looking for. Creativity exists within you, and you will find answers to your deepest questions when you create with love. Hard work will pay off, so keep going, you are almost there!


AIR SIGNS : Libra,Aquarius,Gemini

Overseen by Archangel Raphael:

Colour of healing: Blue

Archangel Raphael's Message: "You are healing now "

Lucky number: 1


This month, you awaken the gift of speech inside of you and it is part of your true life path. For too long you have not expressed yourself, because of fears. There is always work to do but you are making progress. Good news comes to you from a younger person who brings hope and healing to your life. Let yourself trust your words, and open your awareness.



EARTH SIGNS: Virgo, Capricorn,Taurus

Overseen by Archangel Uriel

Colour of healing: Green

Archangel Uriel's message: "Know no limits "

Lucky Number: 6


This month, you are increasing your knowledge and bringing manifestations to the surface. Remember you do not have to be perfect, and there are no mistakes. Try not to limit what you can achieve-expansion is taking place on many levels.

Just go with the flow, and allow things to happen for you, which set you closer to everything you desire.



Message from Archangel Ambriel:

" Greetings dear light beings,


Yes! You are the light beings on Earth, and you are beginning to understand this more and more!Each of you hold a special ray of light that heals the Earth & heals humankind.


You may not fully realize how wonderful each of you are just yet, because your mind has been taught to think that you need to get better in some way. Many of you have been taught to believe there is something wrong with you in the eyes of "Source" or what you may call "God".


We Angels hold the energy of love and when you reach out, you are embraced in it, more than you may assume. As you learn to trust in yourselves, more of your light and love will shine through! When you see it & feel it, it expands all over again. Nothing you have ever done, said, or thought can stop the flow of love. The only block to your further enlightenment is when you doubt yourself, and who you really are. We Angels are but one part of the assistance available to you.


Look past all you have been taught about limits, and instead decide you are worthy of the best, because you truly are! There is no need for negative egos, that separate you from truth-the truth is, you are all divine and worthy beings of light!When you truly know this, there is no need to say anything, to anyone-because it will be visible for all to see. Light is always expanding! Learn that you too are always expanding, shaping and growing! Mistakes you think you have made are wonderful awakening moments for you, that you will come to understand.


You are unique and you are uniquely loved. Don't be so hard on yourself as you grow and change. Just remember to allow yourself to shine with happiness. Let others see your example of how easy everything unfolds when you are limitless and free.


I and many other Angels are with you, the moment you think of us! Trust it, and feel the love we have for you, and pass that love light on!

Yours always,



Here is BDevine's drawing of Ambriel:













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