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November Message:Activation Of Light!
Archangel Uriel

Welcome everyone!

Here is the message for November, from the Great Archangel URIEL.
I trust that you will enjoy! To see the message and November predictions, please CLICK HERE

" Dear ones,

The month of November, heralds a time of light activation...the awakening within begins in full speed!

Many of you, have been trying for so long to sense, feel, see & understand the world of Spirit....many of you wish to understand what happens after your physical life is over,when the so-called 'end of the world' will take place, and many other questions..

So, what will take place in November, is a light activation...In other words each of you will experience your own personal change within you!

Many will 'see the light' so to speak of you who have been treated very badly will be happy to know, that those who have been in the dark, are also going to see for themselves, and understand to a certain degree, what you may have been trying to teach!..

In other words, there is hope and love for everyone....even those who you have felt would never change their views, will start to see in their own way...each in their own timing but the activation of light WILL start!

In the time leading up to 11:11:11 there will be those who will have alot of negativity rise to the surface to be dealt with...

Don't lose hope when you feel you have been treated unfairly-this needs to occur for people to shift, and also band together-closer to those who are at their own light level...

Many of you, already have people & teachers that are guiding you and supporting you...& in this time of light many more will join you...

At this time, you may also undergo physical and emotional changes...

Some will re-experience pain in their bodies from past injuries-but if you understand that it is there for you to heal, and change & release, you will not have those symptoms again...

Many have said, that 11:11:11 will bring an awakening on a deeper level, and this is very true! But again all of you are learning and growing in your own for everyone, the awakening will be different...& it will be sped up at this may not consciously know it, but subconsciously a change has taken place....many more experiences will be had,if you allow it too happen ...don't give yourself limited expectations ...think BIG dream BIG & expect that what is right for you will occur!!

It will be important to ground yourself-imagining a beautiful golden light surrounding you & anchoring you in the center of the Earth ...Imagine a column of light from the heavens to the center of the Earth...& placer your initials at both ends!!

Each time that you think of your initials, the column of light will glow,protecting you,healing you & grounding you...

This will clear your chakra's & help you to feel light of spirit..and more in tune with the spiritual realm...

Your own personal column of light is how the Angels,Guides & loved ones, will travel to you!! But you must believe it is taking place!

Acceptance is the key!

Whilst you are thinking; ' It never happens to me' you are limiting yourself & how quickly the changes and vision will take place...

The more you accept that you are also a very high spiritual being, the more you will see, feel & sense...

Many focus hard in meditation & spiritual techniques..& still do not keep things light & only expect that change HAS occurred-even if you don't see the evidence straight away...

There will be those, who are still focused on fear based thinking- in other words, they may be spiritual, but talk of 'demons' - 'fallen angels', & Gods 'wrath'-so it will be important that you are not paying attention to things that make you uncomfortable ...bless others for their beliefs, but stay true to yours!

This will be important, as you awaken to who you really are, and what you wish to achieve...what is right to you, and resonates as truth throughout your body,mind & soul, should continue to grow...this is important, because it is your unique level of growth & evolution to a higher state of being ....Always watch how your body reacts to information ...a feeling of love & harmony is where you should be at...if anything, anyone says or does makes you feel weak or powerless,angry,fearful or upset, you have the choice to let it bother you, or rise above!

So the 11:11:11 light activation, will be smooth and unique to each of you...

It will be the start of an awakening process that fits you and inspires you perhaps like never before...

Do not listen to anything that does not resonate to you, but instead rise above without comment or feeling the need to state your case..What is right for some is not always going to fit with you ...listen to this!

Those who have known about their gifts but pushed them aside, will once again re-claim them ....there are so many who have had abilities enhanced for a long time, but have let others control; them-be it family,friends or co-workers, they have felt 'not good enough' & stopped.....This will be awakened inside again, with a whole new outlook!

Beware of those that tell you that
"You are not ready"
"Your energies are all wrong"
"You are not talented"
"I am better than you"

Do not let these people control your mind,and your spiritual journey...

You are ALL extremely gifted spiritual beings!!! The need to be perfect limits you!!

If you have given advice, and it turns out it was seemingly 'wrong' it does not mean that you were wrong, it means the energies changed-people made choices & changed the outcome is not wrong at all!

Try to love from your heart-it truly is an amazing place!

When you feel low in spirit, close your eyes & create for yourself a beautiful crystal cave, in your imagination ...allow this crystal cave to have whatever you wish inside it ....There will be beautiful doors inside, that when you open,you can invite your Guides, Angels even your higher self inside...

This is yours alone...when you use your imagination, your vision will expand & things will take place that you did not imagine! Each time you think of this, the vision will increase...

Expand your horizons, trust your feelings, don't pay attentions to doubt or worry or fear ....believe that the best outcome will occur for you!

11:11:11 is your unique light activation...hold your vibration centered in love, catch yourself drifting back to worry and turn those thoughts OFF!

Pay attention to what your body, mind & soul tells you! Do only what feels right to you!

Everyone will have this activation that speeds up time...& healing will become a large focus...

When you are asking for healing to take place, imagine the person, or people,animal or situation, and see them in perfect health ...think of a rose bud...and see the rose bud uncurl,becoming a beautiful flower....use your mind to send this thought to the one needing healing...and it is done...

You can send the healing to masses of people, in the same way..

Much healing is already taking place, right now!

So dear ones, it is exciting now on Earth, & life will become easier!

Abundance that has been blocked for all of you,will begin to flow...

People who were once filled with hate, will begin to soften...

Some people may still choose to pass on now, so they can come back to Earth in a new body...

The younger ones, will begin to stand tall, and take their place in love & light..

Governments will begin to fall, and true colors will be shown..

Money will be re-distributed to all, so there is no hunger & suffering as this has been so needless!!....however, this still may take some time, but, it is underway now!

Keep dreaming big! Ground yourself in light! Open your heart and build your crystal cave!

Do not worry about fear based people-keep doing what is right for you!

Do not feel responsible for others!!

This draws energy and power from you!

Stand TRUE to who you are! If you do not know what your purpose is, or what you want, change this! & start doing what brings you happiness- know that you are already living your life purpose & feel light of Spirit!

Accept who you are, and stay in the vibration of limitlessness!

Do treat others how you would like to be treated & see how this can change the way others also treat each other...

Decide to be your own boss! Know that you are stronger than you think you are!

This is a grand time! Be happy you are here, for the World will be at peace, but it starts with you...

Keep lifting and asking for the Angels , Guides and the source of all God....You are always answered, and always are ALL Blessed!!!

With bright blessings & eternal love,


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